Dare to Live
Give the best for your dearest people :)
Friday, February 8, 2013
Kritik Membangun Atau Kritik Stupid-Trolling Untuk Cosplayer Indonesia?
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
How Beautiful You Are - Ost Inotia 3 Lyrics
Selain faktor-faktor diatas, ending song yang berjudul How Beautiful You Are yang dinyanyikan oleh Park Ji Yoon juga tak kalah memukau. Melodi yang lembut dipadu dengan kata-kata yang indah :'D Berikut liriknya
How Beautiful You Are
Just like the mist of dawn
I can see the light through the dark
My eyes are blinded by
Shining beauty of your own
Do you feel me here ?
Do I dare, go near you then ?
All I can do is, let you spread your wings
And fly your dream here tonight
I will fight all your worries tonight,
I will take all the chances for you
Go on and, fly your flight,
Im your secret wings, I can hold you tight
Nothing will stop you now, please don’t take the bow
Let them all now your their up high !
Go on and smile your smile
I’ll make sure you do, right from your behind
Nothing can stop you now, you won’t take the bow
Let them all come see you
And know how beautiful you’re !
Even though you can’t see
I’ll be standing here, throught the dark
You won’t be shedding tears,
I’ll be wiping them, with my heart
I will fight all your worries tonight
I will take the chances for you
Go on and, fly your flight,
Im your secret wings, I can hold you tight
Nothing will stop you now, please don’t take the bow
Let them all now your their up high !
Go on and smile your smile
I’ll make sure you do, right from your behind
Nothing can stop you now, you won’t take the bow
Let them all come see you
And know how beautiful you’re
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Japan Pop Culture Diplomacy by Cosplay?
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I wonder if our hands still holding each other
For the hearts that missing
And the pains we shared together
I'm covered in dust
Can't see your face
Can't seek your hand
I lost, you lost
We can't see each other
Struggling in the mist
Seeking for the shining ether
Now I need you
I don't know the place to go home
Now I need you
I don't know who'll erase my tears
I hope you can hear my voice...
I hope you can see me...
I hope you know me...
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Bittersweet Life~ Beban Mental!
Banyak yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini. Kebanyakan didominasi oleh rasa kecewa, putus asa, kemarahan, egoisme, cemburu dan pikiran-pikiran buruk lainnya. Ketakutan akan skripsi, tuntutan dari sekitar untuk menyelesaikan kuliah sebaik-baiknya, perasaan tidak ingin mengecewakan orang-orang tersayang menjadi momok terbesar yang menyebabkan tidak stabilnya emosi (._.) Belum lagi ditambah dengan belum sreg-nya dengan skripsi (bahkan perasaan salah jurusan jadi menguat kembali --;). Belum lagi musibah-musibah kesialan seperti nilai yang tiba-tiba decreasing jadi C di salah satu mata kuliah. Sudah susah-susah mengerjakan UTS yang berupa paper kelompok dan kerja keras pas mengerjakan, eeeeeeh malah dapet skor jelek. Bukan cuma aku saja, tapi kabarnya beberapa teman lain juga mengalami hal yang sama dan sudah protes. Parahnya, dosennya menolak bertanggung jawab dan ngeles "sudah gak bisa diubah lagi nilainya mbak, sudah masuk data cybercampus." Yaelaah bapaaak, astaganaga, sumpah serapah pun tak bisa berhenti keluar dari mulut (hehehe gomen ne... :p) dan ortu di rumah kebingungan sendiri. Sumpah pengen nangis. Sakit sekali rasanya kerja keras gak dihargai... T^T
Huft tidak tau sampai kapan bakal ngerasa seperti ini... (istilahnya dlm bahasa Jawa "gela"). Sumpek terus bawaannya, banyak pikiran, insomnia... entahlah... Tapi kalau dipikir-pikir masih bersyukur juga meski kesialan datang terus yang penting masih bisa kumpul sama keluarga tercinta, IP juga masih dalam rentang 3 (harusnya bisa lebih tinggi! gara2 dosen itu huh :@) dan masih diberi kesehatan sama Yang Kuasa :') yah... mungkin masih banyak yang lebih penting daripada tetap meratapi nasib. Kata orang-orang Enjoy Aja! meski dalam hati aku bertanya-tanya "Bagaimana bisa enjoy haahh??" Tapi sekali lagi, masih bersyukur sekali sampai hari ini masih diberi kesempatan hidup dan bertemu orang-orang terkasih (juga menulis disini) :'3. Yah... meski beban pikiran belum kelar tapi tidak boleh berhenti berharap dan percaya. Terus melihat ke depan dan ingat mimpi2ku, karena waktunya tidak lama lagi. Ganbatte ganbatte ganbatte!!!
Semoga cepat dapat topik skripsi yang pas dan mengerjakannya tepat waktu! Harus, harus, harus! Resolusi tahun ini harus tercapai dan menggiatkan diri untuk melakukan hobi menulis yang terpendam sekian tahun lagi, memulai dari nol
Semogaa.... semuanya akan berakhir dengan happy ending.... There must be a way... :'3Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Prospek Asian Rise
The Rise of Asia
Geopolitik dan Prospek Asia
Acharya, Amitav. 2004. “Will Asia’s Past Be Its Future?”, International Security, Vol. 28, No. 3
Eric Beinhocker & Elizabeth Stevenson, 2009, Trend to Watch: Asian Rising (http://hbr.org/hbr/hbr-now/2009/07/trend-to-watch-asia-rising.html) diakses 18 Desember 2012
Huntington, Samuel P. 1996. “Economics, Demography, and the Challenger Civilizations”, dalam the Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order, London: Touchstone Books
Mahbubani, Kishore, 2008, The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to The East, Perseus Books Group: New York
Mohan, C. Raja, Great Powers and Asia’s Destiny: A View From Delhi, Political Science 2012 64:81, (pnz.sagepub.com) diakses 17 Desember 2012
Overholt, William H, 2008, Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics, New York: Cambridge University Press Poon, Jessie P.H. 2001. “Regionalism in the Asia Pacific: Is Geography Destiny?”, Area, Vol. 33, No. 3
Simon Black, 2012, 4 Signs Asia is Rising Over the Western Worlds. (http://articles.businessinsider.com/2012-04-04/markets/31279718_1_hong-kong-foreign-investment-power-centers)
Sinha, Satyabrat, 2009, Security Challenge of Rising Asia, China Report 2009 (www.sagepub.com) diakses 17 Desember 2012
Sunday, August 7, 2011
If the Day Comes….
And the fate will choose, when that time will come for us
Long or short time
For an inexact time we will miss each other
Although of course I want to keep in a long time to be with you
But if the bell has rung
And the time for separating each other is coming
Let me leave myself
To be one and united with you
Let me throw my happiness
And being a piece of your soul
If the obstacles between us force us to keep distance and release our holding hand
I prefer sacrifice myself to keep holding you
I know that just me, your happiness
That’s why I never want to give you to the other
I will use this body and this soul to keep holds your hand
Although maybe this will rotten bit by bit
But I will keep in your side
My love will always going alive and stay in you
And cover you from the other impacts
I will alive inside you
And stay inside your mind, your soul
Although I has gone, myself is broken and my life has decomposing
But my fire of love will always give you warmth
Until someday we meet and kissing again somewhere…
My soul will waiting for you
My love will miss your presence
And will wait you, wait for alive just with you
I love you…
I will cherish this feeling... just for you, Kishi-kun. You are my destiny...